Monday, July 19, 2021

Cowardly Texas Dem’s hotel bill more than $10,000 a day

From chicksonright 

Democrats “have vowed to suffer in four-star surroundings,” the Western Journal says. Former unsuccessful U.S. senatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke is “leading a fundraising effort” to pay the turned around scalawags’ bills. As of last week, 14,654 donors had contributed $526,780.

“Democratic state Rep. Chris Turner, however, is hoping that somehow the federal government will side with the runaway-bride-like Democrats and prevent Texas from making its own laws.

Well, Rep. Turner, here’s the deal. That pesky Constitution gives states say-so in voter laws. You can do the wishin’ and hopin’ act all you want, but that does not change the Constitution.

So far, five of the Dems have come down with the covids while staying at that high-dollar DC hotel. Wonder what the other guests have to say about living among (1) cowards who refuse to obey their oath of office; and, (2) infected persons?

Texans didn't used to be this way. Used to, a Texan stood up for what he believed, went eye-to-eye and toe-to-toe if necessary. There wasn’t any running away because he didn’t like the rules. And even when he knew he was going to lose, there was the Alamo standing behind him.

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