Thursday, July 15, 2021

‘It is time to ban the sale of pickup trucks’

From Gun Free Zone 

Liberal writer David Mastracci throws around a lot of numbers and such to back up his call for the end of pickup sales, except for commercial businesses.

“Canada is one of the largest GHG emitters in the world, and has the second highest emission rate per capita of all G20 countries. As of 2019, the transportation sector was the second largest contributor to Canadian emissions.”

“Pickup truck sales have skyrocketed in recent years. Nearly 25 per cent of all passenger vehicles sold in Canada in the first quarter of 2021 were pickup trucks (89 per cent of them classified as full-size trucks), representing a 16 per cent increase from the past period. Moreover, four of the five top selling vehicles in Canada in this period were pickup trucks, with sales of certain models up by as much as 41 per cent. This is part of a global trend.”

Mastracci also says pickups are a danger on the highways, which is true for a texting-while-driving Prius operator who collides with an F150. 

Not a bad read. Gives an overview of what progressive Democratic liberals have in mind for anybody who believes in independence and responsibility.

Gunfreezone says: This is coming to the US.

They will try to ban your pickup.

At which point I will convert mine into a technical, because fuck you.



  1. The REAL goal is the end of personal vehicle ownership and the TOTAL control of all travel.

  2. Like the Johnny Cash song title, One Piece at a Time.


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