Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Those crazy kids in Baltimore schools

Hey, how about ghost classes attended by ghost students? Who teaches a ghost class? 

Augusta Falls Savage Institute of Visual Arts. Has a nice, professional ring to it, doesn’t it? You wouldn’t think a school with that title would engage in questionable education activities – cheating, padding grades, giving credit to students who do not attend classes that don’t exist.

Figure this: If you pay federal taxes, some of your dollars might be going to Baltimore schools.

Figure this, too: If schools have non-existent classes for non-existent students, do those schools pay non-existent teachers? And administrators, too, ‘cause somebody has to supervise.





  1. It's always about the money.
    The administrators and school board should be charged with fraud.

  2. And fined and do time, as should teachers who accepted wages on ghost classes and who logged ghost students "present."


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