Friday, April 29, 2022

Game observations

 My wife and I sat behind the visiting team dugout, six rows up. Our tickets were free.

A woman sitting two rows up from the dugout wore an anti-COVID mask. In an open-air baseball park.

A grandmotherly-looking woman brought a snack to a grandchild-looking kid. When presenting the snack, the woman sang, "Take me out to the ball park." At the seventh-inning stretch, hometown fans stood and sang "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." I wondered if the woman heard the difference between her song and everybody else's.

Early in the game, my wife said, "I don't think that woman down there is wearing underwear." The woman was attractive, early 30s, wearing a short brown skirt and a brown pullover shirt. She sat on Row 1, below us. I said, "Am I supposed to look?" Not long after my wife made her observation, the woman got up from her seat and walked past us. My wife said, "See?" I didn't, and not when the woman returned to her seat, nor the two other times she went past me. I attempted to discern if my wife was correct, but it's not good manners to stare too long at a woman's backside.

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