Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Today is Wednesday cleaning day

The cleaning lady works every other Wednesday, 0900-1300. 

My wife and I pick up and put away things. I put away pistols. They are still accessible, just not lying in plain view on tables.

This morning when the doorbell rang I suddenly realized one pistol was on the lamp table beside my chair. It was only a few steps away, so I retrieved it and brought it to the lanai.

I sit out here with my writing machine and a thermos of coffee and try to string words together in a readable manner. Right now I am about 10,000 words into a story that so far does not have a title. The story begins:

        You’ve read the ad.

       “Wanted: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. 1432 Lee County Road, Seven Pines, TX 75399. You'll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before.” And then in bold type: “Reply to the address listed, not to this publication.”

       I replied.

       “Dear Sir, I am replying to your ad of May 1 in Olive Green Magazine. I have weapons and military experience. Reply to: Ben Allison, 367 East County Road 2640, Choctaw, OK 74760.”

       I waited a month for an answer. I didn’t get one. What was the deal?

So, of course, our protagonist travels from Choctaw, OK, to Seven Pines, TX, to find the answer. DHS or ATF or some similar agency becomes involved, convincing Leigh Forrest that Ben Allison is the best person available. There is no time travel, but there are gates (for large vehicles) and portals (for small parties). The story reads well.


  1. i like the opening paragraph. looking forward to reading it. just please no zombies. don

  2. No zombies or vampires. Some flying hairy beasts, mostly the normal. I just did a quick word check. It's closer to 20,000 words.


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