Tuesday, September 27, 2022

So now the IG delivers?

My wife answered an Unknown Caller yesterday. She almost never does, but this time she did. After listening for a time she ended the call.

“She (the caller) said I have a delivery scheduled on Friday and I was to press 1 to confirm the order.” She called the number.

“Who is this? … You called me and said I have a delivery on Friday. … No, I will not press a number. … You are a thief. I doubt you own the company you’re calling from, but by working for them, you are a thief. … No, I will not give you any information. You have my phone number.” She hung up.

“She said her name was Agent Amber and she was with the Inspector General’s office. What kind of inspector general makes home deliveries?”

Those calls must be successful a percentage of times in order for them to continue.

Thieving bastards.


  1. Yeah. At !east some of the people who answer these BS calls fall for the BS. Otherwise they'd find a different con to try.

    1. Most likely there is a cutoff percentage, but enough people must fall for the lies or decided to get something for nothing and go along.


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