Saturday, June 5, 2021

A murdering Communist T-shirt in Alabama?

From Gun Free Zone 

I was in Kroger today and some fucking piece of shit is wearing a Che shirt.

I very loudly said to him “The fuck dude, wearing a shirt with a mass murderer on it.  Do you have any idea how many Cubans he killed?’

At which point he walked away and my wife got very uncomfortable with me making a scene.

I miss Miami.

Some dude wears a Che shirt and I know I wouldn’t be the only person giving him shit.

And if Che shirt guy got his ass kicked, every supermarcado employee with an Abeulo from the old country would come down with a sudden case of “didn’t see anything officer.”

You’d think that Alabama was Red enough not to tolerate people wearing Che shirts in public, but apparently not.

Wearing a Che shirt should be treated like being a child molester in prison, where they fall down the stairs a lot and nobody gives a shit.





1 comment:

  1. No difference between che and manson. Both just liked killing for no reason.


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