Sunday, June 6, 2021

We should all be pissed that the ruling elite were right about our stupidity

From According to Hoyt 

“The numbers from the Diamond Princess were clear enough, but more than that, the fact that our medical supervisory institutions announced they wouldn’t audit cases of Covid-19, meaning there was no penalty for inflating the numbers, which hospitals were being given extra money for; and the ‘must not question’ policies of the social media and news media made it obvious what was happening: it’s a scam.”

“Understand now and forever that quarantines and lockdowns have been used in the past. But they’ve been used for severely affected, afflicted people and areas. You don’t quarantine the healthy you quarantine the sick.(Emphasis added.)

“ALL OF IT was a political coup; a way to take down a successful president and install a China stooge. ALL OF IT.

“I URGE you to contemplate that they’d rather reign in hell than serve in heaven.

“And then, if you ever again believe any of the media-ginned-up hysterias without checking facts or using your brain, be aware that next time the ‘I told you so’ will have teeth. That knee to the groin will go all the way up. Oh, not administered by me, but by those younger and with more to lose who will be absolutely tired of this shit.”

Link at Ace of Spades HQ

She is a bit pissed. So am I. I am pissed at the power elites and those they own – news, entertainment, politicals. I am pissed at the cowards who were too lazy to find out, to actually think away from what they were told, to look for the truth. I am pissed at schools shut because of more cowards. I am pissed at a whole bunch of people, but mostly because the power elites have convinced too many of us that we can do nothing.

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