Friday, August 20, 2021

Why hasn't the government hired Amazon to handle intelligence collection?

 Today my wife collected a bunch of shoes and handbags no longer used. She took the things to Goodwill. Shortly after dropping off the shoes and purses, she began receiving ads for shoes and handbags on her Facebook page, courtesy of Amazon. She did not have to identify herself at Goodwill. She did not say to me she was taking the shoes and purses to Goodwill. Yet Amazon, within an hour, posts ads on her Facebook page. It's like Amazon and Facebook have ways of knowing what we are doing even when we do not talk about it. How can such a thing be, when both companies assure Congress they are not spying on anybody in the U.S.?


  1. You really think .gov isn't using Yahoo, facebook, Google, Twitter, youtube etc to compile dossiers on us?

    1. I'm pretty sure laws say they can't, and just as sure they're doing it anyway. A long time back I did volunteer editing work for Col. David Hackworth's "Soldiers for the Truth." The opinions expressed, I figure a few three-letter agencies were keeping track of what was said and who said it. Today is bigger and broader, and most everybody has said something the swamp critters don't like.


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